What is Mind Body Hacking?
The term Mind-Body Hacking takes inspiration from the term Ethical Hacking. Ethical Hacking is used by computer programmers to identify security loopholes in computer systems so that the computer systems can be patched before malicious hackers take control of the system.
Similarly, Mind-Body Hacking is used to identify the source of our niggling problems which lower our self-esteem and productivity. After identification of these problems, we can then begin to patch them by building new belief systems and new wiring in our brains.
Mind-Body Hacking helps to form powerful new habits which act like magic and transform our lives for better. Hence, through dedicated Mind-Body Hacking processes, we can solve difficult personal problems such as obesity, procrastination, failing relationships, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem and low productivity.
Mind-Body Hacking Book of Knowledge
In this website, I am building the complete Book of Knowledge for undertaking Mind Body Hacking. This page contains the various Sections and Articles of the Book of Knowledge.
It contains the following Topics & Articles:
How the World Works?
The World is a Complex Adaptive System. This insight has been gained only recently. All the properties of Complex Adaptive Systems get reflected in the working of the World. Read on to know more.
- “Why Life is So Hard?” – The Hidden Culprit: How Power Law Formation Leads to an Unfair Life.
- Why is Life so Difficult? – How the Butterfly Effect causes Chaos & makes life unfair.
- 5 Examples of How the Chaos of Butterfly Effect makes everyday Life Difficult.
- 5 Examples of How Chaos leads to Power Law formation and makes our lives difficult.
- 11 Properties of Complex Adaptive Systems which make our lives difficult but also full of wonder.
- “Why is Life so Unfair to me?” – Avoid falling prey to these common-sense misconceptions
- Using knowledge of Chaos & Power Laws to thrive when Life is Difficult & Unfair
- Philosophy of Complexity Science – The Three Stages of Humanity Growth
Brain Science
Our Neurons are the only cells which live with us from birth till death. The working of the Neurons define us completely. If critical parts of the brain get damaged, you can completely change as a Person. Many brain processes are automated while giving a mirage of control to our thinking brain.
Most of your success and failure in life is because of the brain that you have. Read on to know more about this fascinating and hidden part of our life.
Articles in Progress
Personality Science
A large part of our experience of life is defined by our Cognitive Functions. Building on Brain Science, how neurotransmitters work in a brain of an introvert is entirely different from how these work in an extrovert. These changes result in a different perception of the world along with different responses to the same stimulus.
To Practice Mind-Body Hacking, it is essential to know about your personality, along with your strengths and your weaknesses. You should know what triggers you and what part of your cognition holds you back, preventing you from becoming what you want to become.
Articles in Progress