INFJ Cognitive Functions explain the behavior of the INFJ personality. Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) & Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) shape the personality of INFJs. Tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti) supports the INFJ personality.
The Inferior Extroverted Sensation (Se) coupled with the four shadow functions (Ne, Fi, Te & Si) are the problem areas for the INFJ personality.
In this article we will undertake a comprehensive exploration of the INFJ Cognitive Functions and embark on a journey of Personal Growth & Self-Discovery for the INFJ Personality.
Drawing from Jungian psychology and ego development theories this article will provide INFJs with valuable insights for self-realization and personal growth.
What are MBTI Cognitive Functions?
Based on Carl Jung’s ‘Psychological Types’ theory, MBTI Cognitive Functions serve as the foundation for understanding the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Personalities.
There are two primary cognitive activities undertaken by the brains – Processing Information & making Decisions on that Information.
The cognitive functions used for Processing Information are called as the Perceiving functions and the cognitive functions used for making decisions are called as the Judging functions.
There are two Cognitive functions dealing with Perceiving (P):
- Sensation (S) is the Cognitive Function in which we take in sensory stimuli to identify what is out there.
- Intuition (N) is the Cognitive Function in which we understand the meaning of the stimulus by identifying patterns & connections from the stimuli.
Similarly, there are two Cognitive functions dealing with Judging(J):
- Feeling(F) is the Cognitive function with which we decide how we value the particular cognitive stimulus
- Thinking(T) is the Cognitive function with which we decide what action we should take in response to that particular cognitive stimulus
In the words of Carl Jung – “Sensation establishes what is actually present, thinking enables us to recognize its meaning, feeling tells us its value, and intuition points to possibilities as to whence it came and whither it is going in a given situation.”
Each of these Cognitive Function can be Introverted(I) or Extroverted (E). Hence, Thinking can be either Extroverted Thinking or Introverted Thinking and so on. This gives the eight function MBTI cognitive model.
As per Jung Personality of a person is formed when the brain of a person starts showing a habitual preference for one of these Eight Cognitive Functions.
The Dominant Cognitive Function for the individuals shapes the personality of that individual. The Auxiliary Cognitive function broadens the personality of the individual. The tertiary cognitive function supports the personality of the individual. The inferior and the shadow cognitive functions causes problems to the personality of the individual.
In this article, we will dive into the INFJ Cognitive Functions stack and explore how the INFJ personality can use the INFJ Cognitive Function stack to develop their personality.
For jumping to personality development guides for other MBTI personality types use the following table:
NT (Rationals) Cognitive Functions | NF (Idealists) Cognitive Functions | SJ (Guardians) Cognitive Functions | SP (Artisans) Cognitive Functions |
INTJ Cognitive Functions | INFJ Cognitive Functions | ISTJ Cognitive Functions | ISTP Cognitive Functions |
INTP Cognitive Functions | INFP Cognitive Functions | ISFJ Cognitive Functions | ISFP Cognitive Functions |
ENTJ Cognitive Functions | ENFJ Cognitive Functions | ESFJ Cognitive Functions | ESFP Cognitive Functions |
ENTP Cognitive Functions | ENFP Cognitive Functions | ESTJ Cognitive Functions | ESTP Cognitive Functions |
To know more about MBTI Cognitive Functions, click on this link -> MBTI Cognitive Functions
INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
The following is an overview of the INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack:
Stack | INFJ Cognitive Functions | Description |
Dominant Cognitive Function | Introverted Intuition (Ni) | INFJs’ dominant function, Ni, allows them to perceive patterns, connections, and underlying meanings beyond the surface. They possess deep insights into future possibilities and often have a profound sense of knowing without explicit evidence. It guides their inner visions and provides them with a strong sense of purpose. |
Auxiliary Cognitive Function | Extroverted Feeling (Fe) | Fe, as the auxiliary function, drives INFJs to be sensitive to others’ emotions and create harmonious social environments. They excel in empathizing with people and are skilled at understanding their needs and emotions. INFJs value connections with others and often prioritize the welfare of the group. How INFJs View the Dominant Fe in Others: INFJs admire those who create harmonious relationships and foster a sense of unity. However, they might also view those with strong Fe as emotionally demanding or people-pleasing, especially if they prioritize others’ needs over their own authenticity. |
Tertiary Cognitive Function | Introverted Thinking (Ti) | Ti enables INFJs to analyse information logically and objectively. It helps them develop precise and well-organized internal frameworks. While not as dominant, Ti allows INFJs to critically evaluate ideas and beliefs to align them with their inner values and principles. How INFJs View the Dominant Ti in Others: INFJs appreciate those who can challenge ideas and seek a deeper understanding. However, they might view those with strong Ti as overly critical or detached from emotions, especially if they prioritize logical consistency over compassion. |
Inferior Cognitive Function | Extroverted Sensation (Se) | INFJs’ inferior Se can manifest as difficulty in being fully present in the moment and engaging in sensory experiences. They may be less inclined to seek excitement or take risks, often focusing on future possibilities instead of immediate realities. How INFJs View the Dominant Se in Others: INFJs might appreciate those who live in the present moment and seek excitement. However, they might also view those with strong Se as reckless or hedonistic, especially if they neglect long-term consequences or fail to consider the deeper implications of their actions. |
Opposing Cognitive Function | Extroverted Intuition (Ne) | In the Opposing Function, Ne may lead INFJs to occasionally entertain diverse possibilities, but they may struggle to explore them fully or may feel overwhelmed by the abundance of options. They might also become indecisive and miss opportunities for growth and innovation. How INFJs View the Dominant Ne in Others: INFJs may appreciate people who are open-minded and explorative, but they might view individuals with strong Ne as scattered or unfocused, especially if they lack a sense of direction or struggle to commit to specific paths. |
Critical Parent Cognitive Function | Introverted Feeling (Fi) | The shadow Fi in INFJs may cause occasional conflicts between their own values and those of others. They may struggle to express their authentic emotions and may overly accommodate others, leading to internal turmoil. How INFJs View the Dominant Fi in Others: INFJs value people who prioritize their personal convictions, but they might view those with strong Fi as overly self-absorbed or emotionally intense, especially if they neglect considering the feelings of others or become emotionally detached. |
Trickster Cognitive Function | Extroverted Thinking (Te) | In the shadow, Te may lead INFJs to briefly engage in external planning and organizing, but they may find it challenging to implement systematic strategies effectively. They might also feel uncomfortable in authoritative positions or avoid confrontation. How INFJs View the Dominant Te in Others: INFJs appreciate those who are organized and proactive, but they might view those with strong Te as overly rigid or domineering, especially if they prioritize efficiency over empathy or employ authoritative tactics without considering the emotional impact. |
Daemon Cognitive Function | Introverted Sensing (Si) | The shadow Si may occasionally lead INFJs to resist change and overlook practical details. They might struggle with being fully present in the moment or may be overly cautious about future possibilities, leading to missed opportunities for growth. How INFJs View the Dominant Te in Others: INFJs admire those who can remember and apply past experiences to make informed decisions. However, they might view those with strong Si as overly conservative or resistant to change, especially if they cling to traditions and avoid exploring new possibilities. |
Now, let’s take a deeper look at these INFJ Cognitive Functions and their development.
Introverted Intuition (Ni): The Dominant Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Introverted Intuition (Ni) is an inwardly directed, intuitive perception of patterns, possibilities, and connections that are not immediately apparent to others.
It involves the ability to deeply grasp underlying meanings, implications, and future outcomes without relying on concrete sensory information.
Individuals with a strong preference for Ni have a natural inclination to see beyond the surface-level details and focus on the hidden potential and underlying concepts.
Overview of Dominant Cognitive Function
The dominant cognitive function represents the primary lens through which an individual engages with the world and organizes their experience.
It is typically the most developed and conscious function within an individual’s psyche, often manifesting as their preferred mode of operation.
The dominant function contributes significantly to an individual’s core identity, shaping their behaviour, values, and aspirations.
On receipt of the stimulus, the Dominant Function will automatically take over the processing of the stimulus, unless balanced by auxiliary and other functions.
When the dominant function is introverted, the individual directs their attention inward, emphasizing subjective experience, personal meaning, and inner reflection as sources of information and decision-making.
If the stimulus requires excessive outwards interaction, then there will be a habitual reluctance/avoidance of this interaction unless the extroverted auxiliary function is well developed.
In contrast, when the dominant function is extraverted, the individual tends to focus their attention and energy primarily on the external world.
They are more inclined to gather information from their environment, engage in objective analysis, and make decisions based on external data.
If the stimulus requires excessive inward introspection, then there will be a habitual reluctance/avoidance of this introspection unless the introverted auxiliary function is well developed.
Introverted Intuition as the Dominant INFJ Cognitive Function
As the dominant cognitive function, Introverted Intuition shapes the way INFJs perceive and understand the world around them.
Ni functions as a deeply intuitive and insightful lens through which INFJs possess an innate ability to discern hidden patterns, future possibilities, and underlying meanings in the midst of everyday experiences.
With Introverted Intuition, INFJs discover patterns subconsciously and consciously in virtually everything, leading to a remarkable ability to form accurate hunches about various aspects of life.
This intuitive prowess often extends to understanding the emotions and motivations of others, making INFJs highly empathetic and compassionate individuals.
One of the key strengths of INFJs is their ability to break down intricate and disparate concepts into more connected ideas and patterns.
This ability causes INFJ’s to become lost in their thoughts, contemplating the deeper meanings and possibilities that exist within the universe.
This type of contemplative thinking makes the inner world of an INFJ highly vibrant and their minds are often in constant motion.
On good days, INFJs are able to process this flux of contemplative thoughts with ease. However, during times of stress, their minds can become a chaotic whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, which increases the stress.
Nonetheless, with maturity, INFJs can learn to gain better control and direction over their thought processes.
The introspective nature and focus on abstract concepts give INFJs a philosophical and mysterious demeanour, making them appear intriguing to others.
Another significant aspect of Ni in INFJs is its role in helping them see through deception more easily. Their strong intuition acts as a truth-seeking mechanism, enabling them to discern the genuine from the superficial.
Moreover, Ni fosters a keen interest in INFJs for profound and meaningful topics, drawing them towards the exploration of ideas that have a lasting impact.
INFJ’s are comfortable with paradoxes and the unknown and are open to exploring uncharted territories of the mind.
The following is the overall impact of Introverted Intuition (Ni) as the Dominant INFJ Cognitive Function:
- Deep Insight and Foreseeing Possibilities: INFJs with dominant Ni have a strong inclination towards introspection and an inner world of thoughts, insights, and possibilities. They spend a significant amount of time reflecting on their ideas, envisioning future outcomes, and seeking patterns and connections within their own minds. INFJs possess an innate ability to see beyond the surface, penetrating the layers of information to grasp the core essence of situations and individuals. This enables them to foresee potential outcomes, form hunches and anticipate consequences, making them skilled strategists and planners.
- Symbolism and Metaphor: INFJs often communicate using symbols and metaphors, as they have an uncanny ability to draw parallels between seemingly unrelated concepts. This grants them a unique way of conveying their ideas, which can be both captivating and insightful to others.
- Empathy and Understanding: With Introverted Intuition as their dominant function, INFJs tend to empathize deeply with others, seeking to comprehend their inner worlds and motivations. This empathetic connection helps them build strong and meaningful relationships with those around them.
- Future-Oriented and Visionary: INFJs are often visionaries, driven by their desire to create positive change in the world. Their dominant Introverted Intuition helps them envision a future that aligns with their values, which serves as a guiding beacon for their endeavours.
- Seeing Through Deception: INFJs possess an inherent ability to see through deception and identify genuine motives in people and situations. This intuitive truth-seeking makes them discerning and trustworthy individuals.
- Mysterious and Philosophical Demeanour: INFJs are introverts, and the influence of their dominant Ni often results in a philosophical and mysterious demeanour. They enjoy spending time in introspection and exploring the abstract realms of their inner world. This introspective nature can sometimes make them seem reserved or enigmatic to others.
- Interest in Profound Subjects: With their dominant Ni, INFJs are naturally drawn to deep, meaningful, and intellectually stimulating topics. They thrive when engaging in thought-provoking discussions and exploring the mysteries of life.
Impact of having an Introverted Dominant Cognitive Function on INFJs
It is important to understand that since the dominant function of INFJs is introverted, introversion will always dominate their lives, unless they learn to balance it with their auxiliary function.
Being introverted is a fundamental aspect of an INFJ’s personality, as it refers to their preferred orientation and source of energy. Here are some ways in which being introverted impacts the personality of INFJs:
- The Inner World: A Place of Depth and Insight: Being introverted means that INFJs draw their energy from within and prefer to spend time in introspection and self-reflection. This inclination leads them to explore the depths of their inner world, uncovering profound insights and a rich tapestry of emotions. This introspective nature fuels their creativity, intuition, and self-awareness, enabling them to form a deep understanding of themselves and others.
- Intimate Connections and Meaningful Relationships: While INFJs may not be as outgoing as their extroverted counterparts, their introverted nature fosters a preference for meaningful and intimate connections. They cherish quality over quantity in relationships, seeking genuine and authentic bonds with a select few. This allows them to create deep and lasting connections with others, where they can share their thoughts, emotions, and aspirations openly.
- Empathy and Emotional Sensitivity: INFJs’ introverted nature allows them to tune into the emotions of others with exceptional sensitivity and empathy. They possess a unique ability to understand and validate the feelings of those around them, making them compassionate and supportive friends, partners, and counsellors. Their emotional acuity enables them to offer comfort and guidance during times of distress.
- Solitude as a Source of Recharge: For INFJs, solitude is not just a preference but a necessity. Time spent alone provides them with an opportunity to recharge their energy and process their thoughts and emotions. Engaging in solitary activities such as reading, writing, or engaging in creative pursuits allows them to find a sense of peace and rejuvenation.
While being introverted offers many strengths, it can also present certain challenges for INFJs
- Social Energy: Social interactions, especially in large groups or highly stimulating environments, can be draining for INFJs. They may need to balance social engagements with adequate periods of alone time to avoid exhaustion.
- Self-Expression: INFJs may find it challenging to express their thoughts and emotions verbally, as they tend to process internally. Finding outlets for creative expression can help them communicate their rich inner world.
- Misunderstandings: Due to their introverted nature, INFJs may be mistaken for being reserved or distant, leading to misunderstandings with others who do not fully grasp their deep emotional world.
Now that we have understood how Dominant Introverted Intuition impacts the personality of INFJ’s lets understand the pitfalls of failing to balance the Dominant Function with other functions.
What happens when INFJ’s fail to balance their Dominant Introverted Intuition
When INFJs don’t balance their dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni), it can lead to challenges and limitations in their personality and behaviour.
Here are some common consequences:
- Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis: INFJs with unbalanced introverted intuition may find themselves constantly over-analysing situations and possibilities. This overthinking can lead to a state of “analysis paralysis,” where they struggle to make decisions or take action due to an overwhelming array of potential outcomes.
- Difficulty in Grounding: Introverted intuition often encourages INFJs to explore abstract and conceptual ideas. However, an excessive focus on this function may cause them to disconnect from the present moment and the practical realities of life. This lack of grounding can lead to difficulties in dealing with everyday tasks and responsibilities.
- Escapism and Avoidance: When introverted intuition becomes overwhelming, some INFJs might resort to escapism as a way to cope. This could involve retreating into their inner world, daydreaming excessively, or seeking distractions to avoid confronting challenging situations.
- Over-Reliance on Intuition: While intuition is a valuable tool for INFJs, relying solely on this function may cause them to overlook important details and practical considerations. It’s essential for INFJs to balance their intuitive insights with concrete information to make well-rounded decisions.
- Misinterpretation of Information: Unbalanced introverted intuition can lead INFJs to misinterpret information or perceive patterns where none exist. This might result in misunderstandings in communication and relationships.
- Difficulty Expressing Insights: INFJs with an imbalanced dominant intuition may struggle to articulate their thoughts and insights effectively. Their intuitive leaps might seem unclear or confusing to others, leading to challenges in communication and sharing ideas.
- Emotional Overwhelm: As deeply empathetic individuals, INFJs may become emotionally overwhelmed if they constantly process and absorb information from their intuition without proper breaks or self-care. This can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout.
We will look at balancing and maturing Ni in the next section.
Mature Vs Immature expression of Dominant Introverted Intuition Cognitive Function in INFJs
When Ni is maturely expressed, it leads to profound insights and personal growth. However, an immature expression of Ni can present challenges and hinder development for INFJs. Let’s explore the characteristics of both:
Mature Expression of Introverted Intuition (Ni) in INFJs:
As INFJs grow and develop, their dominant Ni function becomes more refined and balanced, allowing them to utilize its strengths effectively. Here’s how a mature expression of introverted intuition manifests in INFJs:
- Profound Insight and Vision: Mature INFJs exhibit a profound level of insight and vision. They can see beyond the surface and grasp the underlying patterns, connections, and possibilities in complex situations. This heightened intuition enables them to anticipate future outcomes and make insightful decisions.
- Intuitive Decision-Making: INFJs with mature Ni can rely on their intuition to make well-informed decisions. They have learned to trust their gut feelings and inner guidance, integrating their intuitive insights with their values and ethics. This integration helps them make choices that align with their authentic selves and long-term goals.
- Holistic Understanding: Mature Ni allows INFJs to understand the world in a holistic manner. They can synthesize vast amounts of information and discern the core essence of issues, seeing how different pieces fit together to form a bigger picture. This holistic perspective aids in problem-solving and strategic thinking.
- Predictive Abilities: INFJs with mature Ni might develop a degree of predictive ability, where they can anticipate potential outcomes based on patterns and trends. This can be especially helpful in various fields, such as business, leadership, or creative endeavours.
- Wise Counsellors and Mentors: Due to their profound insights and empathetic nature, mature INFJs often become wise counsellors and mentors to others. They can offer guidance, empathy, and understanding, helping people see things from a broader perspective and navigate through difficult times.
- Creative Problem Solving: INFJs with mature Ni often excel at creative problem-solving. They can come up with innovative and unconventional solutions to challenges by drawing from their deep well of intuitive ideas and patterns.
- Balanced Introspection and Action: Mature Ni in INFJs enables them to strike a healthy balance between introspection and taking action. While they value their inner world, they also recognize the importance of applying their insights in practical ways to effect positive change.
- Insightful Empathy: Their mature Ni allows INFJs to empathize deeply with others and gain intuitive insights into people’s emotions, motivations, and needs. This intuitive empathy helps them establish profound connections and offer meaningful support to those around them.
- Openness to Possibilities: INFJs with mature Ni remain open to new possibilities and growth. They embrace uncertainty and change as opportunities for learning and personal development, rather than fearing the unknown.
- Wisdom and Serenity: As INFJs mature in their use of Ni, they often exude a sense of wisdom and serenity. They have a deep understanding of themselves and the world, which contributes to their calm and grounded demeanour.
Immature Expression of Introverted Intuition (Ni) in INFJs:
When Ni is not well-developed or balanced, INFJs may struggle with the following behaviours and tendencies:
- Overwhelming Overthinking: Immature Ni can lead to excessive overthinking and rumination. INFJs may become trapped in their heads, constantly analysing past events or future possibilities, which can lead to increased stress and anxiety.
- Paranoia and Negative Anticipations: Instead of utilizing their intuition positively, INFJs with immature Ni might develop negative anticipations and worst-case scenarios about future events. This pessimistic outlook can hinder their ability to take risks and move forward with confidence.
- Lack of Focus and Indecisiveness: Immature Ni can result in a lack of focus, as INFJs may struggle to discern which possibilities or ideas to prioritize. This indecisiveness can lead to difficulty in making important life choices.
- Difficulty Grounding in Reality: Instead of seeking practical applications for their insights, INFJs with immature Ni might remain disconnected from reality, struggling to translate their intuitive ideas into tangible actions or solutions.
- Escapist Tendencies: When faced with overwhelming or challenging situations, INFJs may resort to escapism as a coping mechanism. This could involve avoiding problems, retreating into their inner world, or using distractions to escape from reality.
- Misinterpretation of Intuitive Insights: Immature Ni can lead to misinterpretation of intuitive insights, as INFJs may jump to conclusions or make assumptions without thoroughly examining the information available.
- Difficulty Communicating Intuitive Ideas: Immature Ni might make it challenging for INFJs to articulate their intuitive insights effectively. Others may find their thoughts and ideas difficult to understand or follow due to the lack of clarity and coherence.
- Resistance to New Perspectives: Immature Ni can make INFJs resistant to considering alternative viewpoints or being open to new ideas. They may be overly attached to their intuitive perceptions, leading to a closed-minded approach.
- Emotional Overwhelm: Immature Ni can lead to emotional overwhelm, as INFJs may struggle to process the influx of intuitive information and empathetic responses from others. This may result in emotional exhaustion and difficulty managing their own feelings.
- Procrastination and Avoidance: Immature Ni can contribute to procrastination and avoidance of responsibilities. INFJs may struggle to take action or initiate projects, fearing the uncertainties that come with new endeavours.
Personal Growth and Development of Introverted Intuition in INFJs:
To foster personal growth and develop a mature expression of Ni, INFJs can harness Ni’s incredible strengths while maintaining a healthy and well-rounded approach to personal and interpersonal development.
Here are some methods with which INFJs can balance the expression of Introverted Intuition:
- Grounding Practices: Engage in activities that promote grounding and connection to the present moment, such as mindfulness, physical exercise, spending time in nature, or pursuing practical hobbies.
- Validation and Reality Checks: Seek validation from trusted friends or mentors to ensure your intuitive insights align with reality. Don’t hesitate to ask for input or feedback from others to gain a broader perspective.
- Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to avoid overextending yourself with constant introspection. Allocate time for reflection and intuition, but also make time for rest, relaxation, and social interactions.
- Develop Extraverted Sensing (Se): Develop your less dominant function of extraverted sensing, which helps you engage with the external world more directly and take in concrete details. This will enhance your ability to ground your intuition in practical reality.
- Journaling and Articulation: Practice journaling or discussing your insights with others to refine and articulate your thoughts. Writing can help clarify your ideas, making them more accessible to others.
- Seek Support: Consider working with a therapist or counsellor who understands the challenges of being an INFJ and can help you navigate your dominant introverted intuition effectively.
By acknowledging and addressing immature expressions of introverted intuition, INFJs can work towards developing a more balanced and constructive approach to utilizing their intuitive strengths in a way that enhances their personal growth and relationships.
Extroverted Feeling (Fe): The Auxiliary Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Extroverted Feeling is a mode of decision-making and interpersonal engagement that focuses on understanding and responding to the emotions, needs, and values of others.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Fe are highly attuned to the emotional climate of their environment and prioritize maintaining harmonious relationships.
People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Feeling have a natural ability to empathize with others, understand their perspectives, and create a sense of emotional connection.
They are skilled at reading social cues, assessing the emotional needs of those around them, and adjusting their behaviour to promote harmony and cooperation.
Overview of Auxiliary Cognitive Function
The auxiliary function serves to support and complement the dominant function.
It is also conscious and well-developed but is used in a more controlled and deliberate manner. Unlike the dominant function which is entirely automatic, a deliberate effort is required to use this function.
When the dominant function is introverted, the extroverted auxiliary function is used to deal with the world. Because, introverts are using a limited auxiliary function, hence they feel drained after using the auxiliary function for some time.
The Auxiliary function provides balance and assists the dominant function in various ways.
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) as the Auxiliary INFJ Cognitive Function
As an INFJ, the auxiliary cognitive function of Extroverted Feeling (Fe) plays a central role in how they perceive and interact with the world around them.
For INFJs, Fe is not just a passive attribute but a profound sense of responsibility to empathize with others and care for them emotionally and physically.
They possess a natural inclination to create harmonious environments and foster positive connections with those they encounter.
This function heavily influences their thoughts, drawing them towards human interactions and igniting a deep desire to understand and relate to others on a profound level.
In their pursuit of understanding others, INFJs may find themselves analysing people’s words and actions, seeking to unveil the hidden layers of their emotions and motivations.
This curiosity is driven by their empathetic nature and their need to grasp the essence of individuals and their underlying emotional states.
As INFJs focus on helping and serving others emotionally, Fe directs their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), towards real-life people, questions, and events that can contribute to the well-being of others.
The strong moral compass of INFJs combined with their empathetic nature can lead them to experience feelings of guilt if they believe they could have offered assistance or support to someone in need but didn’t.
They genuinely care about defending and uplifting oppressed groups, even without personal connections to them, as Fe urges them to champion social justice and advocate for the rights of the marginalized.
INFJs have a low tolerance for individuals who put others down or exhibit insincere behaviour, particularly those who pretend to be nice and caring merely for personal gain.
They are keen observers of human behaviour and can quickly detect inauthenticity, valuing genuine connections and meaningful relationships instead.
While INFJs are fascinated by people and the richness of human experiences, they often find socializing to be draining and may require breaks to recharge their emotional batteries.
The caring aspect of their Fe function can be exhausting, and they may struggle to assert their own needs in relationships, prioritizing the well-being of others before their own.
Despite the challenges of emotional exhaustion and difficulties expressing their own needs, INFJs continue to be a pillar of support and compassion for those around them.
How does Extroverted Feeling (Fe) differ in Dominant Vs Auxiliary Roles
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) manifests differently when it functions as the dominant cognitive function compared to when it serves as the auxiliary cognitive function.
Understanding these differences can help auxiliary users to learn the gaps in the expression of their auxiliary function and how they can learn from the dominant users to help mature the auxiliary function.
A mature auxiliary function is of utmost importance for leading a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Fe in Dominant Role
In individuals with ENFJ/ESFJ personality types, Fe takes on a dominant role. For them, Fe becomes the driving force in shaping one’s interactions with the external world, emphasizing the emotions and needs of others.
Dominant Fe users find themselves naturally drawn to the quest for harmony, consensus, and positive interpersonal relationships.
Their empathy knows no bounds, as they effortlessly immerse themselves in the emotional experiences of those around them, responding with genuine care and understanding.
Dominant Fe users excel in social settings, exhibiting impeccable social skills that allow them to navigate complex social dynamics with ease.
They possess an innate ability to adapt their behaviour and communication styles to suit the emotional atmosphere, building strong connections and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone involved.
For them, personal validation often lies in the approval and acceptance of their social group, as their desire to maintain group harmony may lead them to make selfless sacrifices for the greater good.
Fe in Auxiliary Role
When Fe finds itself in the auxiliary position, it plays a supporting role to the dominant cognitive function, which for INFJs, is Introverted Intuition (Ni).
As an auxiliary function, Fe enhances and complements the insights and ideas that emerge from Ni’s depths, helping INFJs translate their intuitive understanding into meaningful actions and expressions.
While the primary focus for INFJs remains internal, exploring the intricacies of their intuitive insights, Fe-Aux draws their attention outward, considering the impact of their decisions on others and demonstrating a deep sense of empathy and consideration.
Fe-Aux empowers INFJs with a profound altruistic inclination, compelling them to care for and support others.
Their innate counsellor and advocate tendencies drive them to offer assistance and upliftment to those in need, contributing to the well-being of the people around them.
INFJs with auxiliary Fe have a remarkable ability to harmonize their personal values with the social context, balancing their own needs with the desires and expectations of others, aiming to create harmonious relationships.
In summary, Fe-Dom manifests as a more outwardly extroverted force, driving individuals to engage with the external world, harmonize social environments, and seek validation from their social circles.
As a dominant function, Fe emerges as a charismatic, extroverted force, nurturing harmony and empathy in the external world.
In contrast, Fe-Aux operates with an introverted focus, supporting INFJs in their internal exploration while directing their compassion and empathy towards others in a more subtle, understated manner.
In the auxiliary position, Fe operates with a more introverted flair, synergizing with the dominant function to foster altruism and empathetic consideration for others.
What happens when the Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling Cognitive Function is underdeveloped in INFJs?
When Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is underdeveloped in individuals with INFJ preferences, it can present certain challenges and limitations in their cognitive functioning. Here are some common manifestations of underdeveloped Fe in INFJs:
- Tendency towards Self-Criticism: INFJs with underdeveloped Fe may have a heightened sense of self-criticism and self-doubt. They might be overly harsh on themselves, which can negatively impact their self-esteem and overall well-being.
- People-Pleasing Behaviour: In an attempt to compensate for the underdeveloped Fe, INFJs may engage in people-pleasing behaviour, trying to meet others’ expectations at the expense of their own needs and values.
- Feeling drained in Social Settings: INFJs with underdeveloped Fe may feel overwhelmed and drained in social settings. They might struggle to manage the emotional energy of group interactions, leading to a desire to withdraw and seek solitude.
- Difficulty Expressing Emotions: INFJs with underdeveloped Fe might struggle to express their emotions openly and authentically. They may find it challenging to articulate their feelings or understand the emotions of others, leading to communication barriers in their relationships.
- Emotional Detachment: Underdeveloped Fe can cause INFJs to detach emotionally from their surroundings, making it difficult for them to connect with others on an emotional level. They may appear reserved or distant, even in intimate relationships.
- Difficulty Maintaining Harmony: As a harmonizing function, Fe helps INFJs maintain a sense of balance and unity in their social interactions. An underdeveloped Fe might lead to difficulties in navigating conflicts and maintaining positive relationships with others.
- Difficulty in Building Meaningful Connections: An underdeveloped Fe can hinder INFJs’ ability to build deep and meaningful connections with others. They may struggle to understand the emotional needs of their loved ones, leading to a sense of disconnection.
How INFJs can develop their Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling Cognitive Function (Fe)?
To overcome these challenges and develop Extroverted Feeling (Fe), INFJs can engage in various strategies:
- Self-Awareness: Developing self-awareness is crucial for INFJs to recognize the areas where their Fe is underdeveloped. Mindful introspection can help them identify and understand their emotional challenges.
- Journaling/Emotional Expression: INFJs can work on expressing their emotions more openly and honestly. Engaging in creative activities, journaling, or talking with trusted friends or therapists can facilitate emotional expression.
- Setting Boundaries: INFJs should set clear boundaries to prevent themselves from becoming overwhelmed in social situations. Learning to say no and prioritizing self-care can help manage emotional energy effectively.
- Social Skills Training: Participating in social activities in or attending social skills training workshops can help INFJs improve their ability to navigate interpersonal dynamics.
Mature Vs Immature expression of Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) Cognitive Function in INFJs
The journey towards empathetic mastery for INFJs lies in the development of their auxiliary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) cognitive function.
As INFJs cultivate mature Fe expression, they become adept at navigating social dynamics, offering genuine empathy, and fostering harmonious connections.
By recognizing the challenges of immature Fe and actively nurturing their empathetic qualities, INFJs can embark on a path of personal growth, becoming powerful advocates who inspire positive change in the lives of others.
Let’s explore the characteristics of both.
Mature Expression of Extroverted Feeling (Fe) in INFJs:
Mature INFJs with well-developed auxiliary Fe exhibit a profound mastery of empathy and harmonious interpersonal relationships.
They effortlessly tune into the emotions of others, offering genuine care, understanding, and support.
Their empathy extends beyond words, as they demonstrate active listening and validate the feelings of those around them.
Mature Fe allows INFJs to navigate social situations with grace, forging meaningful connections that enrich the lives of others.
Here are some of the characteristics of mature expression of Fe in INFJs.
- Empathy without Absorption: Mature Fe empowers INFJs to be empathetic without becoming emotionally absorbed. They can deeply connect with others’ experiences without losing sight of their own emotional boundaries. This balance enables them to offer support and assistance while maintaining their emotional well-being.
- Authenticity and Emotional Expression: Mature Fe encourages INFJs to express their emotions authentically and openly. They feel comfortable sharing their feelings and thoughts with others, fostering vulnerability, and building trust in their relationships.
- Conflict Resolution and Mediation: With mature Fe, INFJs become skilled mediators and conflict resolvers. They navigate disagreements with tact and diplomacy, seeking compromises that honour the needs and feelings of all parties involved.
- Altruism with Self-Care: Mature Fe allows INFJs to practice altruism while prioritizing self-care. They recognize that caring for themselves enables them to be more effective in helping others, and they do not hesitate to take breaks or seek support when needed.
- Compassionate Leadership: Mature INFJs with well-developed Fe make compassionate and inspiring leaders. They create inclusive environments, where everyone feels valued, and they motivate others to work towards common goals.
Immature Expression of Extraverted Feeling (Fe) in INFJs:
Immature expression of auxiliary Fe in INFJs can present various challenges in their emotional and interpersonal dynamics. Some aspects of immature Fe include:
- Emotional Overwhelm: Immature Fe might lead to emotional overwhelm, making INFJs susceptible to absorbing others’ emotions without proper boundaries.
- People-Pleasing Tendencies: INFJs with immature Fe might engage in people-pleasing behaviour, compromising their own needs and values to seek external validation.
- Avoiding Conflict: Immature Fe may lead to conflict avoidance, hindering INFJs from addressing issues directly and fostering unresolved tensions.
- Disregarding Personal Needs: Immature Fe might cause INFJs to neglect their own needs and prioritize others to the extent of self-neglect.
- Lack of Authenticity: INFJs with underdeveloped Fe might struggle to express their emotions genuinely, leading to a lack of authenticity in their interactions.
Personal Growth and Development of Extroverted Feeling in INFJs:
The development of Fe is usually blocked by a dominant Ni with its tendency for extreme introversion. Fe development can also be blocked by immature expression of other cognitive functions of INFJ such as their tertiary Ti or their inferior Se and other shadow functions.
In INFJs, if Fe is not getting naturally developed then they need to train their minds for Fe development.
This can be achieved by making Fe development a project on its own. To foster personal growth and develop a mature expression of Fe, INFJs some of the areas that INFJs can focus on are:
- Recognizing Immature Fe Tendencies: The first step in developing the immature Fe in INFJs is to recognize its presence. INFJs should be mindful of situations where they struggle with expressing emotions authentically, find it challenging to empathize with others, or tend to prioritize external validation over self-care. By acknowledging these tendencies, INFJs can embark on a path of self-awareness and personal growth.
- Join social activities: Engage in group activities or clubs that interest you. This will give you more opportunities to interact with different people and practice your Fe skills in a supportive environment. Well planned extroversion exercises will help you to come out of introversion shell through your auxiliary Fe. While INFJ’s may never become as comfortable in social settings as Dominant Fe’s, constant practise and exposure to social settings can help them to bridge the gap.
- Volunteer or help others: Engaging in volunteer work or helping others in need allows you to use your Fe in a positive and impactful way. It also provides an opportunity to see the direct impact of your actions on others’ emotions.
- Establishing Emotional Boundaries: Developing Fe requires INFJs to establish healthy emotional boundaries. They should learn to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others, avoiding emotional overwhelm and preserving their emotional well-being. By setting clear boundaries, INFJs can empathize effectively without losing sight of their own needs.
- Express emotions openly: Share your emotions and thoughts with trusted friends or family members. This can help you become more comfortable with expressing yourself and understanding the emotional impact your words and actions may have on others.
- Practice assertiveness: While INFJs often prefer harmony, it’s essential to learn to assert yourself when needed. Express your needs and boundaries in a respectful and clear manner.
- Mindful Conflict Resolution: INFJs can practice mindful conflict resolution, aiming to address disagreements with compassion and assertiveness. Engaging in open and honest communication while acknowledging the emotions of all parties involved promotes constructive conflict resolution and strengthens Fe development.
- Practicing Self-Reflection/Journaling: Regular self-reflection allows INFJs to identify areas of growth and recognize patterns of immature Fe behaviour. Journaling or engaging in mindfulness practices can provide valuable insights into their emotional responses and help them make conscious efforts to improve Fe expression.
Introverted Thinking (Ti): The Tertiary Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Introverted Thinking is a cognitive function that involves the internal analysis, evaluation, and organization of information based on logical principles and frameworks.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Ti have a natural inclination to seek clarity, coherence, and precision in their thinking processes.
People with dominant or auxiliary Introverted Thinking have a deep desire to understand the underlying principles, systems, and structures that govern the world.
They engage in critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving with an emphasis on logical consistency and objective criteria. They value intellectual rigor and strive for accuracy and precision in their thoughts and ideas.
Overview of Tertiary Cognitive Function
The tertiary function serves as a bridge between the dominant and inferior functions, offering a counterbalance and contributing to a more well-rounded personality.
While not as prominent as the dominant or auxiliary functions, the tertiary function plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s worldview and decision-making processes.
Introverted Thinking as the Tertiary INFJ Cognitive Function
As a tertiary Cognitive Function, Introverted Thinking (Ti) influences the personality of INFJs as follows:
- Inner Analysis: INFJs with well-developed Ti engage in extensive internal analysis. They have a natural inclination to examine their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, seeking to understand the underlying principles and patterns. This process often occurs quietly and privately within their minds.
- Critical Thinking: Ti provides INFJs with a sense of critical thinking and a desire to understand the logical coherence of information. They may question ideas, concepts, or theories to discern their validity, seeking clarity and precision in their understanding.
- Problem-Solving: Ti complements INFJs’ intuitive problem-solving approach (Ni) by offering a methodical and analytical perspective. While they primarily rely on their intuitive insights, INFJs may use Ti to scrutinize potential solutions or assess the viability of their ideas.
- Developing Personal Frameworks: INFJs with well-developed Ti have a knack for constructing intricate mental frameworks and models. They strive to create coherent systems that integrate their insights and values, which can be useful in understanding complex concepts or organizing information.
- Balancing Emotions with Logic: As an auxiliary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) predominantly governs how INFJs interact with the world and make decisions based on their empathetic understanding of others. However, Ti can act as a counterbalance by providing logical reasoning and detachment when needed.
- Introverted Exploration: INFJs may use their Ti function to explore areas of personal interest and explore topics in-depth. This exploration is often driven by their curiosity and desire to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the subjects they find fascinating.
- Communication Style: INFJs may express their Ti by being precise and careful in their choice of words, as they strive to convey their ideas with accuracy. However, due to its tertiary nature, INFJs may not always be as comfortable or adept at articulating their Ti insights as they are with their dominant and auxiliary functions.
- Potential for Overuse or Underuse: Tertiary Ti can sometimes lead to overthinking, causing INFJs to become excessively critical of themselves or others. On the other hand, they may underuse Ti by defaulting to their dominant Ni and auxiliary Fe, potentially overlooking the benefits of logical analysis in certain situations.
What happens when Introverted Thinking is underdeveloped in INFJs?
When Introverted Thinking (Ti) is underdeveloped in INFJs, it can lead to certain challenges and limitations in their personality and decision-making processes.
Since the tertiary function is the least accessible and less developed in an individual’s cognitive function stack, its weaknesses may become more apparent.
Here are some common consequences of underdeveloped Ti in INFJs:
- Overemphasis on Emotions: Without a well-developed Ti to provide logical analysis and critical thinking, INFJs may heavily rely on their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), and auxiliary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe). This could lead to an overemphasis on emotions and empathetic understanding, making them prone to prioritizing the feelings of others over rational considerations.
- Difficulty with Logical Analysis: INFJs with underdeveloped Ti may struggle to engage in rigorous logical analysis and find it challenging to critically assess complex information or ideas. They might avoid tasks that require detailed logical thinking, such as analysing data or making decisions based purely on objective criteria.
- Difficulty Setting Boundaries: Underdeveloped Ti may contribute to INFJs having difficulty setting boundaries, especially when it comes to their personal needs and values. They may find it challenging to assert themselves logically and confidently in certain situations, leading to potential feelings of being taken advantage of or overwhelmed by others’ demands.
- Tendency to Overlook Details: With a less developed Ti, INFJs might be more inclined to focus on the big picture and overarching themes while overlooking specific details. This can be problematic in situations where attention to detail is essential, such as organizing tasks or planning projects meticulously.
- Avoiding Conflict: Due to their Fe’s desire for harmony and conflict avoidance, INFJs with underdeveloped Ti may shy away from engaging in debates or disagreements, even when it’s necessary to address important issues. They might fear that standing up for their logical viewpoints could create tension or damage relationships.
- Overthinking and Self-Doubt: Despite their strong intuitive insights (Ni), INFJs with an underdeveloped Ti may tend to overthink and struggle with self-doubt. They might question their own abilities and decisions, especially when faced with complex problems that require logical analysis.
- Difficulty Explaining Intuitive Insights: While INFJs may have profound and insightful intuitions, their underdeveloped Ti may hinder their ability to articulate these ideas in a clear and concise manner. This could lead to frustration and a feeling of being misunderstood, as they might struggle to communicate the reasoning behind their intuitive conclusions.
- Tendency to Follow the Herd: With underdeveloped Ti, INFJs may be more susceptible to following the beliefs and opinions of others without thoroughly evaluating them. They might seek external validation and conformity rather than forging their own path based on logical assessments.
How can INFJs develop their Tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti) Cognitive Function?
Developing the tertiary function, Introverted Thinking (Ti), can greatly benefit INFJs by enhancing their analytical and critical thinking abilities, leading to a more balanced and well-rounded personality.
Here are some strategies to help INFJs develop their Ti:
- Recognize the Value of Ti: INFJs should acknowledge the importance of developing their Ti function and how it complements their dominant Ni and auxiliary Fe. Understanding that Ti can provide valuable logical analysis and enhance decision-making will motivate them to work on its development.
- Engage in Critical Thinking: INFJs can practice critical thinking by questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and examining the logical coherence of ideas. They should challenge themselves to analyse information from multiple perspectives and consider both the pros and cons of a situation.
- Explore New Subjects: Delving into unfamiliar subjects or areas of interest can stimulate INFJs’ Ti development. Engaging in research, reading analytical books, or exploring topics that require logical understanding can exercise and strengthen their Ti function.
- Journaling and Self-Reflection: Keeping a journal can be a valuable tool for INFJs to engage their Ti. Writing about their thoughts, insights, and experiences allows them to engage in internal analysis and logical categorization of their ideas.
- Seek Intellectual Discussions: Participating in intellectual discussions or debates can challenge INFJs to articulate their thoughts logically and defend their ideas coherently. Engaging in respectful discourse with others can be an effective way to exercise Ti.
- Problem-Solving Exercises: INFJs can practice problem-solving exercises that involve logical analysis. This could include puzzles, games, or hypothetical scenarios that require them to apply critical thinking and rational decision-making.
- Learn from Ti Dominant Types: Observing and learning from individuals with dominant Ti, such as INTPs or ISTPs, can provide valuable insights into how Ti operates in its primary role. INFJs can observe their approaches to logical analysis and apply some of those techniques to their own thinking.
- Balance Intuition and Logic: INFJs should consciously strive to balance their intuitive insights with logical analysis. When they have intuitive hunches, they can use their Ti to validate and refine those insights, making them more robust and well-grounded.
- Accept and Embrace Discomfort: Developing an auxiliary function can be challenging and uncomfortable at times. INFJs should be patient with themselves and not shy away from facing situations that require them to engage their Ti, even if it feels unfamiliar or difficult initially.
- Meditation and Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help INFJs develop a clearer and more focused mind, which can benefit their Ti development. By quieting their minds, they can gain better control over their thoughts and engage in more deliberate and purposeful thinking.
How does Extreme Introversion kick-start the Ni-Ti loop in INFJs?
As the dominant function of INFJ’s is introverted, there is a tendency for INFJ’s to become extremely introverted.
In such a scenario, instead of balancing the requirements of dealing with the external world using Extroverted Feeling, INFJ’s withdraw into an extremely introverted Ni-Ti loop.
For INFJs, Ni-Ti loop is an unproductive cognitive pattern that occurs, when the dominant function (Introverted Intuition, Ni) and tertiary function (Introverted Thinking, Ti) reinforce each other in a negative way.
This cognitive pattern is called as a Loop as it loops within Introverted Cognitive Functions without using Extroverted Cognitive Functions for verification and balance.
In this loop, the INFJs becomes trapped in their internal world, leading to a disconnection from external reality and a distortion of their perception and decision-making processes.
Here’s how the Ni-Fi loop manifests for INFJs:
- Withdrawal and Introspection: INFJs tend to be introspective and reflective by nature. Extreme introversion might cause them to withdraw further from external stimuli and focus heavily on their internal world. While introspection can be beneficial for personal growth, excessive withdrawal may lead to a disconnect from the external reality and interpersonal relationships.
- Intense Inner World: In extreme introversion, INFJs may become deeply absorbed in their rich inner world of thoughts, ideas, and possibilities. Their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), allows them to generate complex and abstract insights. However, without the balancing influence of the auxiliary function (Fe), these insights may not be effectively expressed or validated in the external world.
- Overreliance on Subjective Analysis: With the tertiary function, Introverted Thinking (Ti), becoming more prominent in the loop, INFJs may rely heavily on subjective analysis and logical categorization within their own minds. They might overthink and excessively critique their ideas, leading to a lack of confidence in sharing their insights with others.
- Difficulty with External Validation: Extreme introversion combined with the Ni-Ti loop can make INFJs hesitant to seek external validation or input. They might become distrustful of external feedback or be reluctant to share their thoughts and feelings openly, fearing judgment or misunderstanding.
- Emotional Withdrawal: The lack of emphasis on Extraverted Feeling (Fe) in the loop may result in emotional withdrawal from social situations. INFJs might find it challenging to engage with others on an emotional level, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
- Difficulty Making Decisions: With the auxiliary function (Fe) taking a back seat, INFJs might struggle with decision-making. They may overanalyse possibilities within their internal framework (Ni-Ti) without considering external factors or the impact of their decisions on others.
- Loop Reinforcement: The more INFJs stay within the Ni-Ti loop, the stronger it becomes. The loop reinforces itself as they become increasingly disconnected from external reality and social interactions.
How INFJ’s can break the Ni-Ti Loop?
Breaking the Ni-Ti loop is essential for INFJs to maintain a healthy and balanced approach to their cognitive functions.
Here are some strategies to help INFJs break free from the Ni-Ti loop:
- Recognize the Loop: The first step is to become aware of the Ni-Ti loop and its potential negative effects on your thoughts and behaviour. Understand that it is a natural tendency but not necessarily a productive one in the long run.
- Engage Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Focus on connecting with others emotionally and empathetically. Seek out social interactions and practice active listening. Participate in group activities or undertake volunteering. Pay attention to the emotional needs of others and try to understand and support them.
- Share Insights with Others: Challenge yourself to share your ideas and insights with people you trust. By expressing your thoughts externally, you can gain feedback and validation, which will help you refine your understanding and build confidence.
- Seek External Input: Value external feedback and perspectives. Be open to different viewpoints and consider them in your decision-making process. This will help you gain a broader understanding of situations and reduce the subjective over-analysis.
- Develop Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Engage in activities that stimulate your extraverted intuition. Try new experiences, explore different ideas, and be open to novelty. This can help break the fixation on your internal frameworks and bring fresh perspectives.
- Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness and present-moment awareness. This can help you become more grounded and prevent excessive rumination on internal thoughts and possibilities.
- Set Specific Goals: Create clear, actionable goals for yourself and focus on achieving them. This will shift your attention from overthinking to taking concrete steps towards your objectives.
- Limit Overanalyses: Be aware of when you are falling into the trap of overthinking and over-analysing. Learn to recognize when you are getting stuck in your thoughts and take conscious steps to redirect your focus.
- Engage in Extraverted Feeling Activities: Participate in activities that allow you to express your compassion and empathy for others, such as volunteering or helping others in need.
- Take Breaks and Rest: Give yourself permission to take breaks and relax. Overthinking and staying in your head for extended periods can be draining. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation can be beneficial.
- Seek Professional Support: If you find it challenging to break the Ni-Ti loop on your own, consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor. They can provide guidance and help you explore ways to balance your cognitive functions effectively.
Breaking the Ni-Ti loop is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate even small steps towards a more balanced cognitive approach.
By actively working to engage your auxiliary and other functions, you can unlock your full potential as an INFJ and experience personal growth and development.
Mature Vs Immature expression of Tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti) Cognitive Function in INFJs
A mature expression of Ti allows INFJs to enhance their critical thinking abilities, achieve better decision-making, and foster meaningful connections with others.
In contrast, an immature expression of Ti can lead to overthinking, emotional detachment, and rigidity in beliefs.
Let’s explore the characteristics of both:
Mature Expression of Introverted Thinking (Ti) in INFJs:
- Critical Analysis: Mature INFJs with developed Ti demonstrate an exceptional ability to critically analyse information. They possess a well-honed sense of logical reasoning and a discerning mind, allowing them to evaluate ideas, concepts, and situations with depth and precision.
- Balanced Decision-Making: When their tertiary Ti is mature, INFJs effectively balance their intuitive insights with logical analysis. They weigh various perspectives, considering both the emotional impact on others (Fe) and the objective coherence of ideas (Ti) before making decisions.
- Constructive Self-Reflection: Mature Ti in INFJs facilitates constructive self-reflection. They introspect thoughtfully, exploring their beliefs and assumptions to understand their motivations and align their actions with their values.
- Clear Communication of Insights: INFJs with mature Ti can articulate their complex intuitive insights coherently. They express their ideas with clarity, making their unique perspectives accessible to others, thereby fostering meaningful and profound connections.
- Openness to Feedback: INFJs with mature Ti welcome external feedback and perspectives. They are open to challenging their assumptions and beliefs, appreciating the opportunity for growth and refinement.
- Effective Problem Solving: Mature Ti helps INFJs approach problem-solving in a systematic and methodical manner. They seek practical solutions, relying on logical analysis to address challenges efficiently.
- Discernment in Relationships: INFJs with mature Ti demonstrate discernment in their relationships. They establish healthy boundaries and make informed decisions about whom they allow into their inner circle, ensuring that they maintain authentic and meaningful connections.
Immature Expression of Introverted Thinking (Ti) in INFJs:
- Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis: When Ti is immature, INFJs may suffer from overthinking and analysis paralysis. They may excessively scrutinize their ideas without reaching a definitive conclusion, leading to feelings of confusion and indecision.
- Detachment and Emotional Suppression: Immature Ti can lead to detachment from emotions and a tendency to suppress feelings. INFJs may prioritize logic over empathy, which can strain their connections with others and result in emotional isolation.
- Rigidity and Stubbornness: INFJs with immature Ti might become rigid in their beliefs and resistant to change. They may be unwilling to consider alternative perspectives, hindering personal growth and inhibiting cooperation with others.
- Avoidance of External Validation: Immature Ti can cause INFJs to shy away from seeking external validation and feedback. They might doubt the value of their insights, leading to reluctance in sharing their ideas with others.
- Lack of Attention to Detail: Immature Ti can cause INFJs to overlook important details or neglect practical aspects of a situation. They might get lost in their abstract thoughts and fail to address crucial real-world considerations.
- Dependency on Others’ Opinions: In their quest for validation, INFJs with immature Ti might excessively rely on others’ opinions to make decisions, compromising their authentic selves in the process.
Personal Growth and Development of Introverted Thinking (Ti) Cognitive Function for INFJs
The immature expression of Ti in INFJs may manifest as overthinking, analysis paralysis, emotional detachment, and resistance to external feedback.
Developing this function is crucial for enhancing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and balanced decision-making.
Below are some insightful steps to nurture and grow the seed of logic within the INFJ psyche.
- Recognize the Value of Ti: Embrace the importance of a developed Ti function. Acknowledge that it complements your intuitive insights (Ni) and empathetic understanding (Fe) to create a more comprehensive and robust cognitive framework.
- Start Small with Critical Thinking: Begin by incorporating critical thinking into your daily life. Practice questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and seeking logical coherence in your thoughts and decisions.
- Journaling for Clarity: Keep a journal to explore your ideas, beliefs, and reflections. Writing can help clarify your thoughts and provide a safe space to engage your Ti in introspective analysis.
- Engage in Debates and Discussions: Participate in intellectual discussions or debates with individuals who respect differing viewpoints. This will challenge you to articulate your ideas logically and open yourself up to new perspectives.
- Diversify Reading Material: Expand your reading repertoire to include analytical and logical subjects. Dive into topics that require logical understanding to exercise your Ti.
- Seek Out Intellectual Challenges: Pursue activities or hobbies that stimulate your thinking and encourage problem-solving. Engaging in puzzles, strategy games, or scientific inquiries can activate your Ti.
- Balance Intuition and Logic: When faced with important decisions, consciously seek a balance between your intuitive insights and logical analysis. Consider how both aspects can inform and enrich your choices.
- Embrace External Validation: Allow yourself to seek external validation and feedback from trusted individuals. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and refinement.
- Mindful Self-Reflection: Practice mindfulness to become aware of when you fall into the trap of overthinking or emotional detachment. Cultivate self-awareness to recognize your Ti’s influence in various situations.
- Learning from Ti Dominant Types: Observe and learn from individuals with dominant Ti, such as INTPs or ISTPs. Their approach to logical analysis can provide valuable insights for developing your own Ti.
- Set Realistic Goals: Set specific goals for developing your Ti, such as reading a book on critical thinking or actively seeking feedback in group discussions. Celebrate your progress along the way.
Expression of Inferior and Shadow Cognitive Functions
Beyond the Dominant, Auxiliary and Tertiary Cognitive functions lies the unconscious and immature cognitive functions.
These include the Inferior function and four Shadow functions.
Inferior function is the least developed cognitive function in the top four functions.
The four Shadow functions are unused and underutilised by the brain and fall into the unconscious.
Being in the unconscious, the expression of these Inferior and Shadow functions are either Repressed or Overcompensated.
- Repressed: The individual ignores, denies or suppresses the Inferior & Shadow Cognitive Functions, dismissing them as irrelevant or undesirable. Consequently, this may lead to an overemphasis on the Dominant function, resulting in rigid behaviours and a narrow perspective.
- Overcompensated: In contrast to repression, overcompensation occurs when Inferior & Shadow Cognitive Functions become exaggerated and take control over the individual’s behaviour. This may lead to impulsive or reckless decisions, driven by the fear of inadequacy and the need to prove oneself.
Integrating these Inferior & Shadow functions helps individuals achieve a more balanced and harmonious relationship with their dominant traits, leading to enhanced self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and healthier decision-making.
By embracing the wisdom of the unconscious and the influence of past experiences, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and inner harmony.
Extroverted Sensing (Se): The Inferior Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Extroverted Sensing is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to the immediate sensory experiences and the external environment.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Se are highly aware of their surroundings, enjoying the present moment and engaging with their senses.
People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Sensing have a natural inclination to live in the “here and now.”
They are often energetic, action-oriented, and focused on sensory experiences.
They are adept at noticing details, taking in sensory information, and responding quickly to their environment.
Overview of Inferior Cognitive Function
The inferior function represents the psychological territory that individuals often struggle to access or develop due to their preference for other dominant functions.
It typically resides in the opposite attitude (extraversion or introversion) and the opposite cognitive function (thinking, feeling, sensing, or intuition) to their dominant function.
The presence of the inferior function can introduce various challenges and tensions within an individual’s personality.
These challenges are rooted in the individual’s unconscious resistance to engage with the inferior function and the discomfort that arises from accessing unfamiliar aspects of their psyche.
Hence, the Inferior function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the inferior function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.
Extroverted Sensing as the Inferior INFJ Cognitive Function
For INFJs, whose dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni), the presence of inferior Extroverted Sensing (Se) can present unique challenges. Se represents their least preferred way of perceiving and interacting with the external world.
Here are some common difficulties experienced by INFJs in relation to their inferior Se:
- Discomfort with the Present Moment: INFJs with underdeveloped Se may feel uneasy with being fully present in the here and now. They might struggle to focus on immediate sensory experiences and may find it challenging to fully engage with the physical world.
- Tendency to Overlook Sensory Details: As their inferior function, Se can lead INFJs to overlook sensory details in their environment. They may become preoccupied with their internal world of thoughts and emotions, sometimes missing out on important cues from the external world.
- Potential for Overindulgence: Under stress or during periods of high pressure, INFJs may exhibit an unhealthy expression of Se. This can manifest as overindulgence in sensory experiences, such as excessive eating, shopping, or seeking momentary thrills as a way to escape from stress or emotional discomfort.
- Challenges with Spontaneity: INFJs with undeveloped Se may struggle with spontaneity and adaptability. They prefer to plan and anticipate situations in advance, which can cause discomfort when they encounter unexpected changes.
- Difficulty in Sensory Self-Care: The inferior Se can hinder INFJs from prioritizing their sensory needs. They might neglect physical self-care or not pay enough attention to their physical health.
- Avoiding Sensory Overwhelm: In certain situations, INFJs may actively avoid overwhelming sensory experiences, such as loud and crowded environments. They might seek quieter and more tranquil settings to feel more at ease.
How can INFJs develop their Inferior Extroverted Sensing (Se) Cognitive Function?
While the inferior function can present challenges, it also holds great potential for personal development. Here are some strategies for INFJs to harness the power of their inferior Se:
- Mindful Sensory Awareness: Practice mindfulness and engage your senses fully in the present moment. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes around you. This helps INFJs become more attuned to their immediate environment.
- Explore Sensory Activities: Engage in activities that stimulate the senses, such as cooking, gardening, hiking, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can help INFJs connect with their body and the physical world.
- Regular Physical Exercise: Participate in regular physical exercise, such as yoga, jogging, or sports. Exercise not only promotes physical well-being but also grounds INFJs in the present moment and helps them become more aware of their bodies.
- Embrace Spontaneity: Practice embracing spontaneity and adaptability in daily life. Be open to trying new things or adjusting plans when necessary. This can help INFJs become more flexible and comfortable with uncertainty.
- Mindful Self-Care: Pay attention to your physical needs and practice self-care. Ensure you get enough rest, eat nutritious meals, and engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being.
- Challenge Comfort Zones: Step outside your comfort zones and try activities or experiences that might be new or slightly uncomfortable. Embrace novelty and see it as an opportunity for growth.
- Artistic Expression: Explore artistic expression through various forms of art, such as painting, writing, or photography. Creativity can provide a healthy outlet for engaging with the present moment.
- Seek Sensory Stimulation: Attend events or gatherings that offer sensory experiences, such as concerts, art exhibitions, or nature outings. Embrace these opportunities to immerse yourself in the richness of sensory input.
- Travel and Exploration: Travel to new places and immerse yourself in different cultures and environments. Traveling can offer a wealth of sensory experiences and broaden your perspective.
- Balance Se with Ni: Find a balance between your dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), and your inferior Se. Acknowledge the value of both functions in your decision-making and understanding of the world.
- Observe and Learn from Sensing Types: Pay attention to how Sensing types approach the world. Observe their attention to detail, their focus on concrete information, and how they navigate the present moment.
How does extreme stress cause Grip behaviour in INFJs?
The “Grip” is a concept in MBTI theory that describes how individuals may experience intensified and maladaptive behaviours when they are under extreme stress.
When INFJs experience prolonged or intense stress, their inferior function, Extroverted Sensing (Se), can become activated.
The Grip experience can cause INFJs to exhibit behaviours that are uncharacteristic of their usual selves and may lead to challenges in their decision-making and emotional well-being.
Grip behaviour is characterized by a temporary shift in cognitive functioning, where the inferior function becomes dominant, often leading to a distorted expression of that function.
Grip behaviour is different from the Ni-Ti loop as during Grip behaviour, INFJs do deal with the external world but they use their least developed function to do so. Whereas, in Ni-Ti loop there is a general withdrawal from the world leading to extreme introversion.
In the case of INFJs, the grip behaviour manifests as an over-reliance on and exaggerated and immature expression of Extroverted Sensing.
During periods of extreme stress, INFJs may exhibit the following grip behaviours:
- Overindulgence in Sensory Experiences: Under extreme stress, INFJs may find themselves engaging in excessive sensory experiences. This could manifest as overeating, oversleeping, or seeking momentary thrills as a way to escape from the stress and emotional discomfort.
- Impulsivity and Hedonism: In the Grip, INFJs may act impulsively and prioritize immediate gratification over long-term consequences. They may engage in reckless behaviours or make impulsive decisions, seeking temporary relief from their stressors.
- Difficulty with Future-Oriented Thinking: INFJs’ dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni), which usually gives them a strong sense of future-oriented thinking. However, under extreme stress, their focus on the future may become distorted or overwhelmed by the immediate concerns of the present moment.
- Lack of Emotional Resilience: Grip behaviour can lead to emotional vulnerability and a diminished ability to cope with difficult emotions. INFJs might struggle to process and express their feelings in a healthy manner, leading to emotional overwhelm.
- Avoidance of Conflict and Decision-Making: When in the Grip, INFJs might avoid conflict or decision-making altogether. They may become indecisive and feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choices, further adding to their stress.
- Isolation and Withdrawal: In response to stress, INFJs may withdraw from social interactions and isolate themselves from others. They might become more introspective and struggle to reach out for support.
- Heightened Criticism: The Grip experience can also lead INFJs to exhibit critical and judgmental behaviour. They may become overly critical of themselves and others, exacerbating their stress and emotional distress.
- Negative Self-Talk: INFJs in the Grip may experience negative self-talk and self-doubt. They may question their abilities and worth, further adding to their emotional turmoil.
How can INFJs come out of Grip Behaviour?
Coming out of Grip behaviour is essential for INFJs to regain their equilibrium and return to a healthier state of functioning.
Here are some strategies that can help INFJs emerge from the Grip:
- Self-Awareness: The first step is to recognize and acknowledge that you are experiencing Grip behaviour. Be honest with yourself about the maladaptive patterns you have fallen into, and accept that it is a normal response to extreme stress.
- Identify Stressors: Identify the specific stressors that triggered the Grip behaviour. Understanding the root causes of your stress can help you address them more effectively.
- Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness techniques to stay present and grounded. Mindfulness can help you let go of ruminative thoughts and reduce the emotional intensity of the Grip.
- Set Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to prevent further stress accumulation. Learn to say “no” when necessary and prioritize self-care.
- Rest and Relaxation: Prioritize rest and relaxation to alleviate stress and emotional tension. Engage in activities that help you unwind and recharge.
- Creative Expression: Utilize creative outlets to express your emotions and cope with stress in a healthy manner. Art, writing, or music can serve as therapeutic channels for emotional release.
- Return to Dominant and Auxiliary Functions: Focus on returning to your dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), and your auxiliary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe). Embrace future-oriented thinking and reconnect with your empathetic and caring nature.
- Practice Decisiveness: When faced with decisions, practice making choices without overthinking. Trust your intuition and rely on your well-developed functions to guide you.
- Physical Exercise: Engage in regular physical exercise to help release tension and stress from the body. Exercise can also contribute to a more positive mood.
- Challenge Negative Self-Talk: Be aware of negative self-talk and challenge those thoughts. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities.
- Seek Joyful Experiences: Engage in activities that bring you joy and pleasure. Embracing positive experiences can counteract the feelings of overwhelm and negativity.
- Return to Social Interactions: Gradually re-engage in social interactions with supportive and understanding individuals. Social connections can provide emotional nourishment and alleviate feelings of isolation.
- Reach Out for Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted friends, family, or a professional counsellor. Talking about your feelings and experiences with others can provide validation and perspective.
How does Mature expression of the Inferior Cognitive Function – Extroverted Sensing (Se) look like in INFJs?
Being the inferior function, developing a mature expression of Se for INFJs is a gradual process and may not be as strong or natural as the INFJ’s dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni).
However, by consciously working on integrating Se into their lives, INFJs can enhance their overall well-being, broaden their perspectives, and create a more balanced approach to life that incorporates both intuition and sensory awareness.
Here’s how a mature expression of Se may manifest in INFJs:
The mature expression of the inferior cognitive function, Extroverted Sensing (Se), in INFJs can bring about significant personal growth and a more balanced approach to perceiving and interacting with the external world. As INFJs develop their Se, they can experience the following positive traits and behaviours:
- Presence in the Present Moment: INFJs with mature Se become more attuned to the present moment. They learn to appreciate the sensory experiences of their surroundings, such as the beauty of nature, art, or the simple pleasures of everyday life.
- Adaptability and Flexibility: Mature Se allows INFJs to become more adaptable and flexible in their approach to situations. They can handle unexpected changes and challenges with greater ease, embracing spontaneity when appropriate.
- Improved Physical Awareness: As Se develops, INFJs become more aware of their physical sensations and needs. They prioritize self-care, recognizing the importance of attending to their bodily health and well-being.
- Engagement in Sensory Activities: INFJs with mature Se may engage in sensory activities with enthusiasm and enjoyment. They may take up hobbies that involve physical movement, such as dancing, sports, or outdoor activities.
- Enhanced Decision-Making: Mature Se complements INFJs’ intuitive insights (Ni) with concrete information from the external world. This helps them make well-rounded decisions that consider both long-term implications and immediate realities.
- Appreciation for Aesthetics: INFJs may develop a heightened appreciation for aesthetics and the sensory aspects of art, music, and other creative expressions. They might enjoy exploring different forms of art and experiencing the emotions they evoke.
- Healthy Exploration: As their Se matures, INFJs may embrace healthy exploration and adventure. They might be more open to trying new experiences, traveling to unfamiliar places, and stepping outside their comfort zones.
- Embracing the Sensory World of Others: INFJs with developed Se become more attuned to the sensory experiences of others. This can enhance their ability to empathize and connect with people on a more grounded and tangible level.
- Increased Emotional Resilience: Mature Se helps INFJs manage stress more effectively. They become better equipped to cope with challenging situations and emotional turmoil.
- Balanced Use of Extraverted Sensing: INFJs learn to use Se in a balanced and conscious manner. They neither become overwhelmed by sensory stimuli nor neglect their intuitive and empathetic strengths.
Extroverted Intuition (Ne): The Opposing Shadow Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Extroverted Intuition is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to possibilities, connections, and patterns in the external world.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Ne are curious, imaginative, and open to exploring multiple perspectives and options.
People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Intuition have a natural inclination to see beyond the present and consider alternative ideas, viewpoints, and outcomes.
They enjoy brainstorming, generating creative ideas, and making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.
Overview of the Opposing Shadow Cognitive Function
The opposing shadow function refers to the opposite orientation of the dominant function.
Being unconscious, the Opposing shadows cognitive possibilities are either ignored or viewed with suspicion and distrust.
This places a cognitive block on the personality of the individual as they fail to understand the benefits of a mature expression of the shadow.
Hence, the Opposing Shadow function is either repressed i.e., ignored, denied or rejected OR the opposing function is overcompensated i.e., its expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.
By acknowledging the presence of shadow and consciously engaging with it, individuals can broaden their perspectives, enhance their adaptability, and find greater balance in their decision-making processes.
Through shadows integration, individuals can unlock new avenues for personal growth, creativity, and a more holistic expression of their unique personalities.
Extroverted Intuition (Ne) as the Opposing Shadow INFJ Cognitive Function
As INFJs primarily rely on Introverted Intuition (Ni) as their dominant function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) occupies the shadow position.
Ne represents a different way of perceiving and processing information compared to Ni. While Ni focuses on deep insights and future-oriented possibilities, Ne explores a broad range of possibilities and connections in the external world.
When INFJs encounter their Opposing Shadow function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne), they may experience a range of reactions and attitudes toward it:
- Resistance: Initially, INFJs may resist or be uncomfortable with engaging in Extroverted Intuition (Ne) activities. This is because it is less familiar and doesn’t come as naturally to them as their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni).
- Unconscious Expression: Even though it is in their Shadow, INFJs may occasionally exhibit moments of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) without realizing it. These moments can be fleeting and quickly dismissed or forgotten.
- Under Stress: During times of stress, INFJs may display the negative aspects of their Extroverted Intuition (Ne). They may become overly impulsive, scattered, or indulge in excessive daydreaming, leading to difficulties in decision-making and problem-solving.
Following are the characteristics of Shadow Ne in INFJs:
- Overthinking and Doubt: The Ne shadow can lead INFJs to overanalyse and entertain multiple possibilities, resulting in decision-making challenges. They may struggle with self-doubt or feel anxious about potential negative outcomes when considering different options.
- Idealism and Unrealistic Expectations: INFJs with a strong Ne shadow may develop idealistic visions or dreams that may not align with the practical realities of life. This can lead to frustration or a sense of disappointment when things don’t turn out as they had imagined.
- Escapism: The Ne shadow can manifest as a desire to escape from routine or difficult situations. INFJs might seek distraction or engage in daydreaming as a way to cope with stress or avoid confronting their real-world challenges.
- Indecisiveness and Procrastination: As INFJs grapple with their Ne shadow, they may struggle with making decisions and may procrastinate, as they attempt to balance their intuitive insights with a multitude of potential outcomes.
How can INFJs develop their Opposing Shadow Extroverted Intuition (Ne) Cognitive Function?
While the shadow function can present challenges, acknowledging and integrating shadow Ne can bring about growth and development for INFJs.
Here are some steps they can take:
- Embrace Curiosity: INFJs can consciously cultivate curiosity and openness to new ideas, possibilities, and experiences. Engaging in activities that spark their interest and expose them to different perspectives can help develop their Ne function.
- Explore New Hobbies: Trying out new hobbies or creative pursuits can activate INFJs’ Ne function. Engaging in activities like writing, painting, photography, or improvisation can encourage exploration and expand their imaginative capabilities.
- Seek Diverse Perspectives: INFJs can actively seek out diverse viewpoints by engaging in discussions with people from different backgrounds or with contrasting opinions. This can challenge their Ni-dominant perspective and encourage them to consider alternative interpretations.
- Play with Scenarios: INFJs can use their imagination to play with various scenarios and possibilities. They can engage in thought experiments, imagine different outcomes to a situation, or create fictional stories to exercise their Ne function.
- Step Out of Comfort Zones: INFJs should intentionally step out of their comfort zones and try new experiences. This could include traveling to new places, attending workshops on unfamiliar topics, or taking on new challenges at work or in personal life.
- Collaborate with Ne Users: INFJs can benefit from collaborating with individuals who have a dominant or auxiliary Ne function (e.g., ENFPs, ENTPs). Observing how these individuals approach problems and generate ideas can provide valuable insights and help INFJs develop their own Ne function.
- Make Flexible Plans: INFJs can experiment with making flexible plans or trying different strategies instead of sticking to rigid structures. This can help them embrace uncertainty and become more adaptable in their approach to life.
- Journaling and Self-Reflection: INFJs can keep a journal to record their thoughts, ideas, and observations. Regularly reflecting on these entries can help them identify patterns and gain insights into how their Ne function is developing.
The mature expression of the Shadow function is a continuous and evolving process.
INFJs may still face challenges in integrating Ne fully, and at times, they may retreat into their dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) or struggle with overthinking.
But with conscious effort and self-awareness, they can continue to nurture their Ne function and reap the benefits of a more balanced and enriched personality.
How does Mature expression of the Shadow Cognitive Function – Extroverted Intuition (Ne) look like in INFJs?
The mature expression of the Shadow Cognitive Function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne), in INFJs can bring about several positive attributes and a more balanced personality.
As INFJs develop and integrate their Ne function, they can exhibit the following characteristics:
- Openness to New Ideas: INFJs become more open-minded and curious about exploring diverse ideas, concepts, and possibilities. They can appreciate multiple perspectives without feeling overwhelmed by their internal judgments.
- Adaptability and Flexibility: With a mature Ne, INFJs become more adaptable to change and unexpected situations. They can adjust their plans and strategies as needed, embracing uncertainty with a greater sense of ease.
- Playfulness and Humour: INFJs can display a more light-hearted and playful side, engaging in imaginative or witty humour. This newfound playfulness can enhance their social interactions and bring joy to their relationships.
- Embracing Exploration: They become more willing to step out of their comfort zones, exploring new activities and experiences with a sense of curiosity and excitement.
- Balancing Intuition and Observation: As INFJs integrate Ne, they can balance their deep intuitive insights (Ni) with a more outward-focused observational approach. This enables them to see patterns in the external world and combine it with their internal intuitive understanding.
- Improved Decision-Making: A mature Ne function allows INFJs to weigh various possibilities and consider multiple perspectives before making decisions. They can harness both their intuitive foresight and creative problem-solving skills.
- Positive Risk-taking: INFJs may embrace calculated risks and initiate new projects or endeavours with a realistic understanding of potential outcomes.
- Greater Innovation: INFJs can apply their intuitive and imaginative capabilities to drive innovation in their personal and professional lives, thinking beyond the conventional to explore new possibilities.
Introverted Feeling (Fi): The Critical Parent Shadow Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Introverted Feeling is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to one’s inner values, emotions, and personal beliefs.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Fi have a deep sense of individuality and an internal compass that guides their actions and decisions.
People with dominant or auxiliary Introverted Feeling have a natural inclination to align their behaviour with their deeply held personal values.
They have a keen awareness of their own emotions and are highly attuned to the emotional nuances of others. They prioritize authenticity and strive to maintain inner harmony and integrity.
Overview of the Critical Parent Shadow Function
The Critical Parent function resides in the inferior position of an individual’s function stack, acting as a counterbalance to the Auxiliary function.
It manifests as an internal “voice” that evaluates and judges the individual’s thoughts, actions, and decisions, often leading to feelings of guilt, self-doubt, or shame.
Being in the unconscious, the Critical Parent Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Critical Parent Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.
Introverted Feeling (Fi) as the Critical Parent Shadow INFJ Cognitive Function
When Fi functions as the ‘Critical Parent’ for INFJs, it takes on the role of an inner judge, enforcing a set of moral and ethical standards. Here’s how it influences the INFJ’s personality:
- Self-Evaluation: As a ‘Critical Parent,’ Fi leads INFJs to be highly self-critical. They have a strong internal sense of right and wrong and often measure their actions and behaviors against their own moral compass. This internal critic can be demanding, leading INFJs to hold themselves to high standards.
- Moral Integrity: INFJs with Fi in the ‘Critical Parent’ role tend to have a strong sense of moral integrity. They may feel a responsibility to act in ways that align with their deeply-held values and principles. This can make them feel burdened at times, as they may feel compelled to always do the “right” thing.
- Judging Others: INFJs may also project their ‘Critical Parent’ onto others, especially when they perceive someone acting in a way that goes against their values or beliefs. In such situations, they can become judgmental or critical of others who don’t meet their internal standards.
- Resisting Manipulation: The ‘Critical Parent’ Fi can make INFJs less susceptible to external pressure and manipulation. They have a clear sense of what they stand for and are less likely to compromise their values for the sake of social approval or conformity.
- Inner Conflict: The ‘Critical Parent’ Fi can create inner conflicts for INFJs, particularly when they feel torn between following their own values and meeting external expectations. This can lead to moments of moral dilemmas and self-doubt.
- Hidden Emotions: Fi is an internal and subjective feeling function that deals with an individual’s personal values, emotions, and sense of self. The INFJ’s Ni-Fe combination often prioritizes the needs of others over their own emotions. The shadow Fi may cause them to suppress or ignore their own feelings, leading to a sense of emotional complexity hidden beneath the surface.
How can INFJs develop their Introverted Feeling (Fi) – the Critical Parent Shadow Cognitive Function?
Developing the shadow Introverted Feeling (Fi) function can be a valuable journey for INFJs, as it allows them to tap into their personal values, emotions, and sense of self. Here are some ways INFJs can work on developing their Fi:
- Self-Reflection: Engage in regular self-reflection and introspection. Take time to explore your own emotions, values, and beliefs. Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings, allowing yourself to become more aware of your inner landscape.
- Empathize with Yourself: Practice empathy towards yourself as you do with others. When facing challenges or mistakes, treat yourself with the same understanding and kindness you offer to your friends and loved ones.
- Validate Personal Feelings: Acknowledge and validate your own feelings without judgment. Accept that it’s okay to experience a range of emotions, and avoid suppressing them. Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with the same empathy you extend to others.
- Set Boundaries: Learn to set healthy emotional boundaries. As an empathetic individual, INFJs often prioritize others’ needs over their own. Developing Fi can help them recognize when their boundaries are being crossed and assert their emotional needs.
- Explore Artistic Expression: Engage in creative activities that allow you to express your emotions and thoughts. Whether it’s writing, painting, music, or any other form of art, artistic expression can be a powerful way to connect with your Fi and channel your inner world.
- Value Authenticity: Focus on embracing your authentic self. Be true to your values and beliefs, even if they differ from societal norms. This may involve questioning and reassessing the expectations and values that have been imposed upon you.
- Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from trusted friends or mentors who understand and appreciate the importance of personal values and emotional expression. They can provide insights into your blind spots and help you integrate your Fi more effectively.
- Learn from Others: Observe individuals who demonstrate strong Fi and learn from their ability to stay true to their values and maintain emotional authenticity. Inspirational role models can provide valuable lessons in embracing one’s Fi.
- Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness practices and meditation to cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self. These practices can help you become more attuned to your emotions and thoughts without judgment.
How does Mature expression of the Critical Parent Shadow Cognitive Function – Introverted Feeling (Fi) look like in INFJs?
A mature expression of the Shadow Cognitive Function Introverted Feeling (Fi) empowers INFJs to be more emotionally connected, authentic, and compassionate individuals.
When INFJs embrace their Shadow function and use it in a mature manner, the following characteristics and behaviours may be observed:
- Authenticity: INFJs with a mature expression of Introverted Feeling (Fi) show a strong sense of authenticity. They are in touch with their own values, beliefs, and emotions, and they are not afraid to express them honestly and sincerely. They are less likely to be swayed by external expectations or societal pressures, and they prioritize being true to themselves.
- Emotional Awareness: INFJs become more attuned to their emotions and are comfortable experiencing a wide range of feelings. They can express their emotions in a healthy and constructive way, leading to better emotional regulation and deeper emotional connections with others.
- Ethical Decision-Making: INFJs with mature Introverted Feeling (Fi) are guided by a strong internal moral compass. They make decisions based on their deeply-held values and principles, which allows them to act with integrity and consistency.
- Boundaries and Self-Care: With a mature expression of Fi, INFJs are more aware of their own needs and boundaries. They can assert themselves when necessary and prioritize self-care without feeling guilty or selfish.
- Effective Conflict Resolution: INFJs with well-integrated Fi can navigate conflicts more effectively. They can communicate their feelings and needs clearly, listen empathetically to others, and seek resolutions that align with their values while considering the perspectives of all involved.
- Sense of Purpose: Mature Fi can provide INFJs with a strong sense of purpose and direction in life. They have a clear understanding of what matters most to them, which can motivate them to pursue meaningful goals and make a positive impact on the world.
Extroverted Thinking (Te): The Trickster Shadow Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Extroverted Thinking is a mode of thinking that focuses on organizing and structuring the external world according to logical principles and efficient systems.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Te tend to prioritize objectivity, effectiveness, and practicality in their decision-making and problem-solving processes.
People with dominant Extroverted Thinking have a natural talent for analyzing and evaluating information in a logical, systematic, and objective manner.
They value efficiency, productivity, and results.
They are skilled at setting goals, developing action plans, and executing tasks in a methodical and organized manner.
Overview of the Trickster Shadow Function
The Trickster is situated as the seventh function in the cognitive stack, opposing the Tertiary function.
It represents an archetypal energy that challenges the individual’s ego identity, leading to unpredictable and paradoxical thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs.
The Trickster is characterized by its playful nature, often leading to situations where it seems to be both helping and hindering simultaneously.
Being in the unconscious, the Trickster Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Trickster Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.
Extroverted Thinking (Te) as the Trickster Shadow INFJ Cognitive Function
As the Trickster Shadow Function, Te often remains less developed and unconscious in INFJs, leading to a complex relationship with decision making and time management.
Following are the challenges posed by Extroverted Thinking (Te) as the Trickster:
- Struggles with Decision-Making: Immature Te can lead to difficulty in making decisions based on objective criteria. INFJs may find themselves second-guessing their choices or avoiding decision-making altogether, which can create inner tension and uncertainty.
- Difficulty in Organizing and Executing Ideas: As Te is responsible for organizing and implementing plans, its underdevelopment can make INFJs struggle with bringing their ideas into action. They may have a wealth of creative and insightful ideas but struggle to structure and execute them effectively.
- Suppressing Logical Analysis: INFJs may tend to suppress or dismiss their logical analysis, leading to internal conflicts between their intuitive insights and the need for rationality. This may result in a feeling of being torn between their inner world and the external demands of the real world.
- Emotional Outbursts: When INFJs feel overwhelmed by their underdeveloped Te, they may experience emotional outbursts, frustration, or anger as a coping mechanism. This can be surprising to others who see INFJs as typically calm and composed individuals.
- Difficulty Expressing Themselves Clearly: Underdeveloped Te can make it challenging for INFJs to articulate their thoughts and ideas in a concise and straightforward manner. They may find it hard to put their rich inner world into words.
How can INFJs develop their Trickster Shadow Extroverted Thinking (Te) Cognitive Function?
Developing the Trickster Shadow Extroverted Thinking (Te) cognitive function for INFJs requires conscious effort and self-awareness.
The Trickster function is one of the weakest of the cognitive functions, but with dedication and practice, INFJs can improve their ability to use Te in a more balanced and constructive way.
Here are some strategies to help INFJs develop their Trickster Te:
- Embrace Real-World Problem Solving: INFJs tend to rely heavily on their intuition and emotions. To develop Te, they should actively seek out real-world problems and challenges that require logical analysis and objective decision-making. Engaging in activities such as puzzles, critical thinking exercises, or strategic planning can help them exercise their Te.
- Set Clear Goals: INFJs should set clear and achievable goals for themselves, breaking them down into smaller, actionable steps. This will help them practice organizing their thoughts and ideas in a more systematic way.
- Seek Feedback: INFJs can benefit from seeking feedback from others, especially those with well-developed Te. Listening to different perspectives and taking constructive criticism can help INFJs understand where they may be overlooking practical considerations.
- Develop Time Management Skills: Being more conscious of time management can aid INFJs in balancing their inner world with the demands of the external environment. Creating schedules, setting deadlines, and prioritizing tasks can improve their ability to execute plans effectively.
- Engage in Debates and Discussions: Participating in debates or discussions where logical arguments are required can help INFJs exercise their Te function. This will also challenge them to articulate their thoughts and ideas in a more structured manner.
- Use Tools and Systems: INFJs can benefit from utilizing tools, apps, or systems that help them organize their thoughts and ideas. This can include mind-mapping software, task management apps, or project planning tools.
- Delegate and Collaborate: INFJs may sometimes try to do everything themselves, which can lead to burnout. Learning to delegate tasks and collaborate with others can help them recognize the value of leveraging external resources and expertise.
- Focus on Practical Learning: INFJs should seek opportunities to engage in practical learning, such as taking workshops, attending seminars, or enrolling in courses that focus on skills development and hands-on experiences.
- Reflect on Past Experiences: INFJs can learn from past experiences where they may have neglected or struggled with using Te. Reflecting on these situations can provide valuable insights for personal growth and development.
Developing the Trickster Te function is a gradual process. INFJs should be patient with themselves and avoid self-criticism.
Integrating this function into their personality will lead to greater balance and resilience, allowing them to navigate the complexities of both their inner world and the external reality more effectively.
How does Mature expression of the Trickster Shadow Extroverted Thinking (Te) look like in INFJs?
The mature expression of the Trickster Shadow Extroverted Thinking (Te) in INFJs involves acknowledging and integrating this cognitive function in a more balanced and constructive way.
As INFJs develop their Te, they can exhibit the following characteristics:
- Effective Decision Making: Mature INFJs with developed Te can make decisions more confidently and objectively. They can assess situations based on logical analysis and consider practical considerations while still valuing their intuitive insights.
- Organizational Skills: INFJs become more adept at organizing their thoughts, ideas, and external environment. They can create efficient systems and structures to implement their plans effectively.
- Assertiveness: Developing Te allows INFJs to assert themselves and communicate their ideas and needs more clearly. They become more comfortable expressing their viewpoints and standing up for their beliefs.
- Time Management: INFJs can strike a better balance between their inner world and the external demands of reality. They become skilled at managing their time, setting priorities, and meeting deadlines.
- Collaboration and Delegation: INFJs recognize the value of collaboration and delegation. They are open to seeking input from others, leveraging external expertise, and sharing responsibilities.
- Adaptability: With developed Te, INFJs become more adaptable in various situations. They can switch between their intuitive insights and practical reasoning as needed, depending on the context.
Introverted Sensing (Si): The Daemon Shadow Function of INFJ Cognitive Functions Stack
Overview of Introverted Sensing (Si)
Introverted Sensing is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to past experiences, memories, and details.
Individuals who possess a strong preference for Si rely on their internal database of sensory information to make sense of their current reality.
They have a keen awareness of details, patterns, and routines. They value stability, tradition, and a sense of continuity.
Overview of the Daemon Shadow Function
The Daemon is situated as the eighth function in the cognitive stack, opposing the Inferior function.
It represents an archetypal energy that dwells in the deepest realms of the psyche, often remaining largely inaccessible and unconscious.
The Daemon is associated with aspects that are essential yet often elusive to the individual’s conscious understanding.
Being in the unconscious, the Daemon Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Daemon Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.
Introverted Sensing (Si) as the Daemon Shadow INFJ Cognitive Function
The Daemon function is often the least developed function and resides in the unconscious, influencing the personality in subtle and complex ways.
Having an immature Daemon Si function can impact the personality of INFJs in the following ways:
- Difficulty with Routine and Detail-Oriented Tasks: INFJs may find it challenging to handle routine and detail-oriented tasks that require a strong focus on concrete facts and practicalities. They may feel overwhelmed or dismissive of such tasks, preferring to engage with more abstract and imaginative pursuits.
- Disconnection from the Present: Immature Si can cause INFJs to be disconnected from the present moment and overly focused on future possibilities or past experiences. They may struggle to appreciate the here-and-now and have difficulty grounding themselves in the present reality.
- Discomfort with Tradition and Routine: INFJs may resist traditional or conventional ways of doing things, feeling restricted or confined by established norms. They may prefer to seek novelty and originality in their approach to life.
- Underestimating the Importance of Experience: Immature Si may cause INFJs to undervalue the significance of past experiences in shaping their understanding of the world. They may focus more on future-oriented possibilities than on the lessons learned from their personal history.
- Nostalgia and Idealization of the Past: In some cases, immature Si can manifest as an idealization of the past or a longing for an idyllic time that may not have existed. INFJs might romanticize certain periods or events from the past.
- Resistance to Routine Change: Despite their penchant for change and novelty, INFJs may resist changes to routines or habits that they have become attached to, leading to rigidity in certain areas of their life.
How can INFJs develop their Daemon Shadow Introverted Sensing (Si) Cognitive Function?
Developing the Daemon Shadow Introverted Sensing (Si) cognitive function for INFJs requires intentional effort and self-awareness.
The Daemon function is the most unconscious and underdeveloped function, and as such, it can be challenging to access and integrate.
However, with dedication and practice, INFJs can work on developing their Si in a more balanced and constructive way.
Here are some strategies to help INFJs develop their Daemon Si:
- Mindfulness and Sensory Awareness: INFJs can start by practicing mindfulness and paying attention to their sensory experiences. Engaging all five senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell—helps INFJs connect with the present moment and their immediate environment.
- Reflect on Past Experiences: INFJs can reflect on their past experiences and consider the impact those experiences have had on shaping their perceptions and understanding of the world. This can help them uncover patterns and recurring themes in their lives.
- Journaling and Self-Reflection: Writing in a journal can be an effective way for INFJs to explore their inner world, thoughts, and emotions. Journaling can also help them identify recurring patterns and gain insights into their Si-related experiences.
- Embrace Routine and Structure: INFJs can experiment with incorporating more routine and structure into their daily lives. Establishing regular habits and schedules can help them develop a greater appreciation for the stability and comfort that routine can offer.
- Engage with Sensory Activities: INFJs can deliberately engage in sensory activities that promote grounding and awareness of the present moment. This can include activities like walking in nature, gardening, cooking, or practicing a mindful form of exercise like yoga.
- Seek Feedback from Others: INFJs can seek feedback from close friends, family members, or mentors about how they perceive the INFJ’s behaviour and patterns. External perspectives can offer valuable insights into areas where the Daemon Si might be influencing their actions.
- Embrace Personal Rituals: INFJs can create personal rituals or traditions that hold significance for them. These can help them establish a stronger connection with their past and foster a sense of continuity and stability.
- Patience and Self-Compassion: Developing the Daemon Si function is a gradual and ongoing process. INFJs should be patient with themselves and practice self-compassion throughout their journey of self-discovery and growth.
How does Mature expression of the Daemon Shadow Cognitive Function – Introverted Sensing (Si) look like in INFJs?
The mature expression of the Daemon Shadow Introverted Sensing (Si) cognitive function in INFJs involves acknowledging and integrating this function in a more balanced and constructive way.
As INFJs develop their Si, they can exhibit the following characteristics:
- Grounded in the Present: Mature Si allows INFJs to be more present-focused, enabling them to fully engage with their immediate sensory experiences and the world around them. They become more attuned to the present moment and the nuances of their surroundings.
- Enhanced Practicality: Mature Si helps INFJs become more practical and grounded in their approach to problem-solving. They can draw on past experiences and known methods to address current challenges effectively.
- Respect for Tradition and Routine: INFJs begin to appreciate the significance of tradition and routine in providing stability and comfort. They may establish personal rituals or habits that add meaning and structure to their lives.
- Balancing Intuition with Sensing: With mature Si, INFJs can balance their intuitive insights with sensory observations. They become more open to considering tangible facts and details while still valuing their inner intuitive guidance.
- Grounded Decision-Making: Si assists INFJs in making decisions based on their inner values and past experiences, aligning their choices with their core principles.
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